
Australian National Curriculum Program

Providing Chinese students the opportunity to study in the Australian classroom in China!

Program Introduction

Australian National Curriculum-China camp (also known as “ANC”) is totally created by Australian elite teachers and teaching assistant group. ANC is dedicated to make Chinese students get to know Australia’s educational concepts of confidence and combination of interdisciplinary knowledge and practical ability through polynary “English in Action” class teaching activities. There are three themes: Australian Primary&Middle School Immersion Class, Happy Listening&Speaking and STEM Artificial Intelligence, which meet students’ needs in all aspects.

The ANC program can not only help students improve their English skills and gain new knowledge, but also guide students to study effectively and more actively. Standing on the perspective which is different from the traditional Chinese education, ANC is bringing a totally new educational ideas and methods to parents, making it possible for students to study in the Australian classroom in China.


Theme 1: ANC Australian Primary&Middle School Immersion Class Camp

Australian Primary&Middle School Immersion Class Camp is aimed at bringing Australia primary&middle school’s core courses to China, making Chinese students to study in the Australian classroom in China. There are 5 main theme courses of the camp: Australia local courses, Global Leadership, Key Competence, STEM and Outdoor Activities. This will make students experience Australia’s educational concept and help improve students’ leadership, creative spirit, manipulative ability and interdisciplinary learning ability etc.

5 Course Topics

1. Local Australian Courses

Students will learn English, Math, History, Science, Music and Arts in this course, which are local Australian courses, delivered by professional Australian teachers through interactive teaching methods.

2. Global Leadership

Students will build up confidence and proper values, enhance their understanding towards leadership and management ability and grasp critical thinking ability through a series of interactive activities.

3. Key Competence

Quality-orientated education is one of ANC’s key points. The course will not only help students get a better understanding of themselves, but will also develop their key competence for their life-long development.


STEM stand for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, which not only teaches the leading edge of science and technology, but also help students develop abilities and creative thinking, and improve their abilities for cooperation and decision making.

5. Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities help students exercise their bodies, learn basic field survival skills through outdoor games and sports, which in return will make them know their potential and be confident.

Student&Teacher Ratio:

25 Chinese student, 1 Australian teacher, 3 Australia student buddies, 1 bilingual teaching assistant


Theme 2: ANC Happy Listening and Speaking Camp

Happy Listening and Speaking Camp is created for primary and middle school students to improve their English skills in a happy atmosphere. The courses are related to daily used expressions, aiming to enable students to make conversation in specific situations and improve their listening and speaking skills. With teaching Australia culture, is also helps students get an international view.

Course Description:

1. Listening

Students will get listening training trough video and audio materials, and get more interested in English by dubbing for original English videos.

2. Situation Dialogues

The dialogues are about daily topics and students will have interactive practice with teacher through game playing and role playing. This will attract students to use English and improve their communication skills.

3. Australian Culture

Students will get to know Australia’s aboriginal culture, history, geography, food and music in this course, which helps them build up international horizon and cross-cultural communication skills.

4. Outdoor Activities

Various outdoor activities will help strengthen students’ team spirit and sense of group honor.

Student&Teacher Ratio:

25 Chinese student, 1 Australian teacher, 1 Australia student buddies, 1 bilingual teaching assistant


Themes 3: ANC STEM Artificial Intelligence Camp

With the era of “artificial intelligence” approaching, more and more importance has been given to STEM education by developed countries. STEM Artificial Intelligence Camp is dedicated to cultivate students’ ability of interdisciplinary study and strengthen interaction between different subjects. The courses enable students to study in a comprehensive environment and solve problems by multiple subjects’ knowledge.

Course Description:

1. Learn basic theories and intelligent hardware construction

Students will grasp the basic theory of artificial intelligence and get a systematic understanding of basic method of application of intelligent hardware which will be used during the courses.

2. Graphical Programming

Complete the man-machine interaction scene design through graphical programming learning.

3. Case Study

Students will practice by themselves and complete the task, through which they will get to know the charm of artificial intelligence and become interested in it.

4. Results Show

Students will complete the task and show their results in groups.

Student&Teacher Ratio:

25 Chinese student, 1 Australian teacher, 3-4 Australia student buddies, 1 bilingual teaching assistant


Australian Teachers Introduction

Our Australian teachers are from both private and public schools in Australia whose average years of teaching are above 5 years. They are favorite teachers at school, patient, caring and experienced teachers. Almost all of them have the experience in teaching students from different backgrounds.


Australian Student Buddies Introduction

All Australian student buddies are excellent students and representatives from student union in Australian schools who are familiar with outdoor activities, organizing ability and international exchange experience. Split into groups, they assist their Australian teachers in teaching and camp managing. They are acting as the student ambassadors to enhance China-Australia culture exchange between them and Chinese students.